Market Commentary 07/26/2024

Mortgage Rates Move Lower With Cooling Inflation

Mortgage rates performed well this week as inflation showed signs of cooling. The Fed meets next week to share its outlook on the economy, the direction of interest rates, and inflation’s trajectory. This meeting is crucial, as there are warning signs that the economy is slowing, such as poor consumer confidence readings, and very high credit card balances. The cumulative rise in inflation has hit many hard, and the average consumer is stretched thin. Nonetheless, the economy continues to chug along, as evidenced by the better-than-expected GDP reading this week.

Should interest rates fall further, you could see jumbo ARMs down into the mid-5% range, which is great news for the luxury market. For first-time home buyers or middle-market buyers, some community-based programs up to $1M are being offered with rates at or below 6%. Interest rates below 6% offer welcomed support to this market in qualifying for mortgages. Remember, it was not that long ago that mortgage rates were well over 7% and in some instances touching 8%.

With an election around the corner, it will be fascinating to see how the Fed navigates the next two meetings. The Fed aims to remain politically agnostic, so there is a low probability that the Fed may cut rates in July to avoid influencing the election. While we believe interest rates are restrictive, we are not convinced the Fed is ready to make the final cut. One look at how equities bounced back this week illustrates how much liquidity is still in the market. Also, corporate spreads remain very tight, suggesting too much money is chasing too few deals. However, market momentum pushes yields lower, and we will take it.

Case Study: Bank Bridge Loan for Distressed Property

Insignia Mortgage recently closed a bank bridge loan for a distressed property for $3 million. This case study showcases Insignia’s unique ability to get truly complex loans funded.

In this scenario, the borrower approached Insignia Mortgage for funding to purchase a distressed property. Insignia Mortgage was able to locate a bank bridge loan for the client. The property was purchased with a cross-collateralization loan, and the borrower will be remodeling the property to make it habitable. The bank provided the borrower 24 months to complete the remodel and will help with the refinance into a permanent loan upon completion. This lender allowed the borrower not to have to use private money for the purchase, saving the borrower from having to attain a more expensive loan.  The loan closed in under 3 weeks with all of the moving pieces.

At Insignia Mortgage, we understand that what works for one client does not always work for everyone. Especially when your financial picture doesn’t adhere to the strict model that many conforming lenders demand. Connect with us to learn more about our non-QM lending solutions.

Insignia Mortgage Founder Damon Germanides Featured In MPA July 2024

Insignia Mortgage founder Damon Germanides was recently featured in MPA Magazine’s July 2024 issue, in the article “California mortgage market: How are buyers coping with rapid price hikes?” by Fergal McAlinden. Germanides commented on the resilience of buyers in the mortgage industry and discussed the rise of non-QM lending.

“It’s amazing how the consumer can adjust. The rate quotes you were giving a year ago, people were shocked, and now they’re like, ‘Oh, that sounds OK. It’s better than it was a month ago.’ So that’s interesting, how human nature works.”

Damon Germanides

Read the full article and Damon’s insights at the link below.

New Loan Originator Jonathan Bulaon

Insignia Mortgage is thrilled to announce the newest loan officer to our team, Jonathan Bulaon. With an impressive background in luxury mortgage lending and a passion for delivering exceptional client experiences, Jonathan brings expertise and a commitment to excellence that aligns perfectly with our values. Join us in welcoming Jonathon Bulaon to Insignia Mortgage. Stay tuned for more updates and insights as we expand our team of experts dedicated to closing the most complex loans. 

About Jonathan Bulaon, Loan Originator:

Growing up in Los Angeles, Jonathan began his career in Private Money, honing his skills in a fast-paced environment. He later moved to a boutique brokerage in Beverly Hills and excelled in serving high-end clients. Jonathon has a proven track record of navigating tough deals and finding innovative solutions for his clients. 

Now, at Insignia Mortgage, Jonathan is excited to bring his passion, dedication, and dynamic industry knowledge to help clients achieve their financial goals. Jonathan is poised to make a significant impact in the mortgage landscape.  

Market Commentary 07/12/2024

Jumbo Rates to Drop as Inflation Data Boosts Market Confidence

Thursday’s encouraging inflation data sent equity markets soaring, making future interest rate cuts almost certain by September and no later than November. For those in real estate and mortgage origination, the 4.65% to 4.45% drop in the 2-year Treasury is significant and should result in numerous banks lowering jumbo interest rates next week. Conforming and government loan products are also enjoying better pricing. The combination of reduced inflation, rising unemployment, and stalling consumer confidence, is helping to lower yields on the longer end of the yield curve.

While the CPI print was well-received by the markets, PPI (or wholesale inflation) surprised a bit to the upside, suggesting that inflation is not dead and could reaccelerate later in the year.  Of importance in the CPI reading was the attention paid to the owner’s equivalent rent, a lagging indicator and a main component of CPI. Although this reading came in soft, the indicator lags by 12-18 months, and there are many other signs that rents are starting to rise. Finally, huge deficits, geopolitical tensions, and massive spending all support the notion that inflation may not return to the 2% target. The United States and the free market economy have historically benefited from a complex and uncertain world, lowering bond yields.

Real estate experts are beginning to agree with an idea we shared a while back: if interest rates fall, inventory may rise. As a result, lower interest rates may lead to lower prices and increased activity as buyers have more property options, contrary to what we have all been taught. Since COVID-19, many economic principles have not made sense. Here are just a few thoughts:

• Higher rates for longer should have led to a lower stock market.

• Higher rates for longer should have led to lower housing prices.

• Commercial property defaults should have crippled regional banks by now.

• High Fed Funds should have seen inflation drop more than it has by now.

• An inverted yield curve is an ominous sign of recession.

None of this has happened. For housing, the longer people stay in their homes, the more inventory builds up. For those in real estate who can survive to 2025, there are signs that the overall residential market is getting much busier. This would be a welcome sign for us all.

Market Commentary 06/28/2024

Reduced Rates On The Horizon As Housing Data Drifts Lower

Economic Data and Mortgage Lending Trends

Employers and economists alike continue to be challenged by the mixed bag of data presented by the economic landscape. Although a key inflation indicator emerged lower than expected, supporting the Fed’s belief that inflation is cooling, other reports like home sales, personal spending, and jobless claims have disappointed. Additionally, corporate earnings showed weakness, most evidenced by Nike’s significant miss. On top of that, declining furniture purchases underscore the ongoing difficulties of homeownership. The adage “as goes housing, so goes the economy” seems more relevant than ever.

The Fed faces a tough balancing act given the cumulative rise in costs for food, insurance, healthcare, and energy. The most vulnerable populations are suffering the brunt of these inflationary pressures. Lowering rates could help consumers but may also risk reaccelerating inflation, further impacting marginalized groups.

In the mortgage lending space, opportunities remain limited due to slowing sales and reduced refinancing activity. In response, banks, credit unions, and debt funds are sharpening their pencils on interest rates, specifically on residential 1-4 unit properties. Notably, Insignia Mortgage has identified a local lender offering stated income-stated asset home equity lines of credit. This lender focuses on credit scores and home values, with a maximum loan amount of $500,000 and combined loans on the property not exceeding 60%. The rate is prime +0.5%, offering a quick way to pay down credit cards and other expensive debt.

Indicators for Mortgage Rate Trends

Monitoring oil prices and the 2- and 10-year Treasuries provides insights into mortgage rate trends. Oil prices and interest rates are closely correlated, moving in tandem. The 2-year Treasury is a good proxy for shorter-term jumbo ARM pricing, such as 5-year ARMs, while the 10-year Treasury serves as a proxy for jumbo 10-year ARMs. Recently, with the 10-year Treasury down about 35 basis points, many jumbo lenders have lowered rates on their 7- and 10-year ARM products by about 25 basis points, offering a reliable estimate of rate direction and potential decreases.

Market Commentary 06/21/2024

Housing Inventory Remains Tight As Mortgage Rates Drift Lower

Existing Home Sales: Trends and Insights

Existing home sales data has confirmed what industry insiders already knew: home inventory is extremely tight in many parts of the country. California is no exception. Home valuations continue to rise despite increased interest rates. There is growing optimism that interest rates have leveled off. Should rates drift lower, there’s a possibility for an increase in existing home inventory. Additional inventory could pressure sellers, but it would provide potential buyers more options across affordable, mid, and luxury home spaces up to $5M, significantly boosting activity.

The Rise of Non-QM Loans

Non-QM loans, typically offered by smaller banks, credit unions, and mortgage banks, provide more favorable guidelines, higher debt-to-income ratios, and interest-only products for borrowers who can’t qualify through traditional means. These “individual lending” loans do not rely on rigid guidelines. Instead, they focus on bank reserves, bank statement cash flow, foreign income, or rental income to qualify borrowers. Despite concerns about a repeat of 2008, these loans go through robust underwriting and require significant borrower investment, contributing to their strong performance since their introduction about a decade ago. Insignia Mortgage has identified non-QM lenders that are now comfortable with larger loan sizes up to $10M. 

Economic Outlook and Mortgage Rates

The economy presents a mixture of good and bad data. Technological advancements have created efficiencies, which some forecasters believe will lead to lower rates. However, input costs, commodity costs, and service costs remain high, hurting small business owners. Government debt remains a worry and needs to be monitored as the deficit continues to balloon. However, recent Fed comments have given the all-clear for banks to gradually lower rates. A+ borrowers will start seeing offers under 6%, and non-QM borrowers will find rates in the high 6’s to low 7’s, benefiting the existing home sales market.

Indicators for Mortgage Rate Trends

Monitoring oil prices and the 2- and 10-year Treasuries provides insights into mortgage rate trends. Oil prices and interest rates are closely correlated, moving symbiotically. The 2-year Treasury is a good proxy for shorter-term jumbo ARM pricing, such as 5-year ARMs, while the 10-year Treasury serves as a proxy for jumbo 10-year ARMs. For instance, with the 10-year Treasury down about 35 basis points recently, many jumbo lenders have lowered rates on their 7- and 10-year ARM products by about 25 basis points, offering a reliable estimate of rate direction and potential decreases.

Market Commentary 06/07/2024

Stronger Than Expected May Jobs Data Pressures Bonds

We were initially encouraged by the JOLTS report which showed signs of a cooling economy as interest rates trended lower, earlier this week. However, Friday’s much better-than-expected May jobs report exceeded expectations for job creation and wage growth, reversing this trend. As a result, interest rates surged, and the likelihood of a Fed rate cut has been pushed to September. Those hoping for rate cuts are focusing on the rise in the unemployment rate to 4% as a sign of a subtly eroding economy.

While there are early signs of consumer stress, such as rising credit card balances and commercial real estate defaults, it is difficult to justify a near-term rate cut after today’s employment report. Cumulative inflation has been a significant drag on our most vulnerable citizens. However, the consumer remains in good shape overall. The stock market is at record highs, with a resurgence of FOMO, reminiscent of the Gamestock mania. We will listen closely to Chairman Powell’s insights on the economy and the direction of rates. The anticipated pain that Powell suggested would be needed to bring inflation down never fully materialized. With the upper 30% of the US population enjoying strong home price appreciation, stock market wealth, and rising wages, the loosening of financial conditions may stoke further inflation.

Trending In Real Estate Finance

Smaller banks and creative lenders are making exceptions on home loans that make sense. We are seeing some banks begin to waive income requirements for very liquid borrowers, increase debt-to-income ratio limits to 60% for the right profiles, and accept a credit blemish or two with a good explanation. Given the slowing existing home sale market, lenders who can lend are doing what they can to approve loans. This is significantly helping good borrowers secure home loans that they would have easily qualified for just a few years ago. Notably, interest rates remain range-bound, and lenders remain eager for business, with our best-priced lenders offering rates under 6% for well-heeled applicants.

Market Commentary 05/31/2024

Rates Drift Lower As Inflation Data Matches Expectations

Despite a bumpy mid-week for bond yields, interest rates recovered following reports of slowing GDP and an as-expected PCE inflation reading. Additionally, a lackluster mid-week Treasury auction rattled the bond market, casting uncertainty amid ongoing US debt issuance. As discussed in previous analyses, a 10-year Treasury yield hovering around 4.50% appears justified with the current state of the job market, economy, and inflation. While the PCE number came in as expected, the real issue is inflation is not pushing lower and appears stagnant. 

High prices and interest rates have challenged housing affordability, resulting in declining home sales. Nonetheless, the recent surge in equities, particularly in the technology and AI sectors, has exceeded many market forecasts. This surge has notably impacted homebuyers in the $1.5M to $20M price range.

The unexpected rise in equities has contributed to a loosening of financial conditions, complicating the Fed’s stance on interest rate cuts. With the wealthiest 20% experiencing significant asset appreciation, including home and equity values, and high interest rates on their savings, the overall economic outlook remains positive. The consensus now points to one rate cut for 2024, a shift from earlier projections of up to seven cuts at the start of the year. In order to facilitate lower rates, one would need to see a worse-than-expected jobs report or some other major black swan. For now, the higher for longer projection remains intact.


Meet Insignia Mortgage founders, Damon Germanides and Chris Furie, at the 5th Annual Non-QM Forum 2024 at the Waldorf Astoria Monarch Beach Resort & Club, in Dana Point, CA, from June 12th to 14th. We’re excited to announce that Damon Germanides will be a featured speaker for the session on “Harnessing Automation & Optimizing Your Technology Stack to Improve the Lender, Broker & Borrower Experience” along with John Lowenthal, Paul Gigliotti, and Peter Fastovsky, scheduled to take place at 11:45 am on June 13th, make sure to save your seat!

Damon Germanides, known for his insightful perspectives and expertise in mortgage lending, will share his valuable experiences and knowledge during the conference. His panel will focus on the latest innovations in underwriting processes, standards, and automation technology. His participation is eagerly anticipated, as attendees look forward to learning from his extensive background in the mortgage industry. He also writes a weekly “Market Commentary” with insights on current rates, trends, and where the industry is headed.

About The 5th Annual Non-QM Forum 2024

The 5th Annual Non-QM Forum will be constructed from both the loan origination and investor perspectives, delving into the critical issues through panel discussions with multiple points of view, and smaller group meetings and roundtables for a more holistic forum experience.

As lenders begin to re-enter the space, Longevity is still relevant. Can lenders take the long road? Mortgage rates and subsequent housing prices continue to surge, Non-QM could be viewed as unstable. The market is certainly seeing some level of resilience and housing prices are beginning to lighten up a bit. Join the biggest conversations surrounding the industry’s top trends, opportunities and challenges this June.

The 5th Annual Non-QM Forum 2024 promises to deliver meaningful content and excellent networking opportunities for those interested in the evolving landscape of private lending. For more information on the conference and to register, visit the IMN event page.

Don’t miss the chance to gain insights from leading experts like Damon Germanides and explore the latest strategies in the private credit marketplace. We hope to see you there!