Market Commentary 06/07/2024

Stronger Than Expected May Jobs Data Pressures Bonds

We were initially encouraged by the JOLTS report which showed signs of a cooling economy as interest rates trended lower, earlier this week. However, Friday’s much better-than-expected May jobs report exceeded expectations for job creation and wage growth, reversing this trend. As a result, interest rates surged, and the likelihood of a Fed rate cut has been pushed to September. Those hoping for rate cuts are focusing on the rise in the unemployment rate to 4% as a sign of a subtly eroding economy.

While there are early signs of consumer stress, such as rising credit card balances and commercial real estate defaults, it is difficult to justify a near-term rate cut after today’s employment report. Cumulative inflation has been a significant drag on our most vulnerable citizens. However, the consumer remains in good shape overall. The stock market is at record highs, with a resurgence of FOMO, reminiscent of the Gamestock mania. We will listen closely to Chairman Powell’s insights on the economy and the direction of rates. The anticipated pain that Powell suggested would be needed to bring inflation down never fully materialized. With the upper 30% of the US population enjoying strong home price appreciation, stock market wealth, and rising wages, the loosening of financial conditions may stoke further inflation.

Trending In Real Estate Finance

Smaller banks and creative lenders are making exceptions on home loans that make sense. We are seeing some banks begin to waive income requirements for very liquid borrowers, increase debt-to-income ratio limits to 60% for the right profiles, and accept a credit blemish or two with a good explanation. Given the slowing existing home sale market, lenders who can lend are doing what they can to approve loans. This is significantly helping good borrowers secure home loans that they would have easily qualified for just a few years ago. Notably, interest rates remain range-bound, and lenders remain eager for business, with our best-priced lenders offering rates under 6% for well-heeled applicants.

Market Commentary 5/3/2024

Fed Believes Inflation Will Decline Without Further Rate Hikes 

Markets found solace as the Fed committed to returning inflation to 2% without the need for further interest rate hikes. The April Jobs Report was disappointing while jobs growth came in lower than expected, pushing yields on Treasuries and mortgage-related products lower. April non-farm unemployment clocked in at 3.9% up a tick and hourly wage growth cooled, a data point that must stabilize for the Fed to begin lowering rates.  

The economy’s trajectory remains uncertain, compounded by the unprecedented government spending in response to Covid. The influx of funds continues to impact the economy in unforeseen ways, challenging traditional economic models’ predictive accuracy. 

Overall, the economy remains a mixed bag and is a fool’s errand predicting where interest rates and the financial system are headed.  Even the Fed, with a world of data and Ph.D.’s, has been wrong during the last few years. With trillions of dollars moving through our economy, many economic models were not designed to interpret this type of spending with accuracy.     

Keep an eye on the Treasury issuance as the Government has increased the money it will need to borrow for Government funding.  This may put a floor on interest rates overall.  However, for the moment a 10-year Treasury of around 4.50% feels about right given the uncertainty in the world. 

Market Commentary 4/19/2024

Economic and Geopolitical Pressures Weight On Bonds

Today’s market landscape is challenging to handicap due to global politics and Federal Reserve actions. Risky investments, including high-beta momentum stocks like artificial intelligence, are facing pressure. The market is adjusting to the possibility of fewer rate cuts this year—even just one or none. The Fed has changed course due to ongoing inflation, strong job numbers, solid retail sales, and positive manufacturing data. These factors indicate that rate cuts may be on hold for now. Additionally, with oil prices above $80 per barrel, significant drops in interest rates are unlikely. Despite global efforts to reduce fossil fuel reliance, our economy remains tied to oil, impacting interest rates and inflation.

Interest rates remain higher than expected despite market fluctuations. This persistent high can be attributed to ongoing inflation, a challenging economy, and substantial government debt issuance. The Wall Street Journal reported that mortgage rates for standard loans have risen above 7%. Meanwhile, home sales have dipped during what is typically the busiest season, presenting challenges for buyers facing high prices and limited options in coastal cities.

The rising cost of living may soon affect the housing market. Over time, some homeowners may be compelled to sell to access cash, particularly if equity markets experience corrections. Major companies like Netflix and Nvidia have already seen significant downturns.

It appears that market optimism regarding rate cuts was premature. The recent market dynamics require investors and homebuyers to approach decisions with caution. The Federal Reserve, under its chairman’s leadership, faces a complex scenario that is somewhat concerning. Although the bond market seems oversold, lower rates may not materialize for some time. It is essential to remain vigilant and prepared for various outcomes. Keep a close watch on commercial real estate, as the Fed’s higher-for-longer stance is becoming a significant issue for some asset classes. Remember, volatile times also bring opportunities for well-informed and patient investors.

Market Commentary 02/09/2024

Direction Of Economy Uncertain As S&P Breaks 5K 

If you’re feeling confused about the economy’s trajectory, you’re not alone. As a recap, the stock market has been soaring to new heights driven largely by the optimism surrounding AI. Certain high-frequency indicators like auto and credit card delinquencies have spiked. Inflation levels are off at a rate over 20% higher than in previous years. Finally, many in the US remain unsettled about their future as they are forced to live paycheck to paycheck, even while earning over $100K per year. 

Just weeks ago, Wall Street anticipated six or more rate hikes, but now forecasts have been revised down to perhaps four. Ongoing hints from the Fed suggest potential interest rate reductions by mid-year. We reiterate inflation is public enemy number one and that is why the Fed will move very carefully with rate reductions.  

Despite ongoing challenges, the housing market remains resilient, with homeowners reluctant to part with their low-rate mortgages. Nonetheless, the limited housing supply continues to strain affordability. Paradoxically, lower interest rates could stimulate existing home inventory, alleviating supply constraints and offering more choices to buyers. 

Commercial real estate, particularly office spaces, is facing significant pressure. Prolonged interest rates raised by the Fed may hasten the exposure of poorly underwritten transactions with historically low cap rates, rendering them unfinanceable. Additional events, such as the collapse of a large European real estate fund (as reported in the WSJ) hint at more difficulties ahead for this sector. 

Amidst robust economic data, low unemployment, and a thriving stock market, long-term interest rates are likely to remain relatively stable for now. Our forecast of the 10-year Treasury trading between 4% to 4.5% remains consistent, with inflation settling around 3%. 

Market Commentary 2/02/2024

US Economy Defies Skeptics With Blowout Jobs Number

Skeptics grappling with conflicting data between the substantial increase in state unemployment figures and the recent non-farm payroll data were surprised by the blowout December Jobs Report. It showed that hourly earnings exceeded expectations, and the unemployment rate remained at a low 3.7%. Additionally, treasury yields surged, with the 10-year Treasury rising above 4% mid-day.

Today’s nonfarm payroll report highlights the strength of the US economy while also diminishing the likelihood of a Fed rate reduction in March. The Federal Reserve had recently met and signaled that a rate cut in March was improbable. The stellar earnings from companies like Meta and Amazon, as well as record highs in the stock market further suggest the overall health of the economy, making the Fed question if they should consider rate cuts in a seemingly robust environment. Better to keep rate cut powder dry in the event of a financial accident or deep recession.

Nonetheless, it’s essential to consider the backdrop of numerous layoff announcements. Despite the dominance of big tech companies in financial news, all is not entirely well in the broader economy. A significant regional bank experienced a 40% drop in its stock price due to issues related to its commercial real estate portfolio. UPS, often considered a barometer of economic activity, reported significant layoffs and plans to cut 12,000 jobs. While the exact timing of a potential negative jobs report remains uncertain, there are indications that the economy might be showing signs of weakness. This could lead to lower bond yields later in the year, though perhaps not as soon as initially anticipated by Wall Street.

Inflation is on the decline but may not reach the 2% target anytime soon. Hot wars in the Middle East and robust consumer spending are creating uncertainty on inflation. However, even with a baseline assumption of 3% inflation, the Fed still has room to cut short-term interest rates by as much as 1.00% to 1.5% from the current 5.25%. This would keep rates in a “restrictive territory” without harming the economy and the banking system. Lower rates would particularly benefit real estate activity. The expectation is that rates will trend lower come August.

One consideration for lower rates, even with elevated inflation, is the global surge in government debt, with the US being no exception at over $34 trillion in debt. The Fed is cognizant of this massive liability and might be compelled to lower rates to assist the Treasury in servicing the country’s bill. The size of the US debt is gradually becoming a prominent issue that cannot be ignored any longer.

Market Commentary 1/12/2024

Bond Market Believes Lower Inflation Here To Stay 

For the moment, the bond market is betting on lower interest rates despite a better-than-expected December Jobs report and a hotter-than-forecast CPI print. PPI, or wholesale inflation, helped reinforce the belief that inflation should continue to trend downward, a view we share but with some skepticism. Several hot spots around the world remain and a flair-up of any could adversely affect both the oil and shipping markets, thus creating inflation. For now, that has not happened, but it does remain a concern. Of additional anxiety is the massive Treasury issuance.  This could push interest rates up, but again, for now, the trend is lower rates.  Expectations of lower inflation and increased business confidence have also improved and there is a sense that the Fed may pull off their so-called “soft landing.” We remain cautiously optimistic. Keep a close eye on the coming earnings seasons as a tell to how the economy is performing. More on this in the coming weeks.

The drop in mortgage rates has inspired new applications as activity is picking up across all markets. Also, mortgage prices have benefited from the compression in the spread, which has been unusually high this past year and remains elevated.  Banks seem to be in a better mood as we enter 2024.  All of this is welcomed after a challenging 2023. The combination of Treasury rates under 4% plus tighter margins is leading to some jumbo lenders now offering rates in the 5.500% with banking.       

Market Commentary 1/05/2024

December Jobs Report Keeps Rates Flat

A better-than-expected Jobs Report pushed interest rates above 4% this morning before retreating down. A deeper dive into the Jobs Report suggests the jobs market may be cooling off. With a drop in the participation rate, more temp workers are unable to find jobs and more people accepting part-time work or working fewer hours. Employers remain cautious about firing workers given the difficulty experienced in replacing those workers during COVID and post-COVID. Of additional concern is wage growth, which is still running at 4% plus, a number higher than the Fed would like to see. On Wall Street, some believe the report was good enough to keep the Fed on pause through at least March, perhaps even longer.  

Inflation has cooled on the goods front, but wage and service inflation are still too high. Geopolitical worries abound including the Israel-Palestine conflict, which is starting to create issues with major shipping vessels navigating the Strait of Hormuz, causing a rise in shipping costs and potentially oil prices. The worry here is that one wrong move could spark a regional war which could have unintended consequences, including an oil spike, which could complicate the Fed’s inflation fight.  However, that is an obvious problem so the markets may have already priced in this outcome. One never does know.

We have spoken previously about the path to 5% mortgage rates and we are getting closer. One requirement to reaching this goal is that the mortgage spreads over Treasuries must continue to compress. The Wall Street Journal reported today that this is finally happening, with the expectation that should Treasury rates fall further, the mortgage spread would also follow.

A big reason spreads have been so wide is that banks and investors have been concerned about a drop in interest rates and the refinance risk associated with those drops. With the quick decline from 5% to 4% in the 10-year treasury, lenders are starting to get more competitive on pricing. In addition, another tailwind for real estate brokers and mortgage originators alike is the start of a new year and new volume targets so pricing remains sharp, which has led to much-improved activity to establish the year.

A quick look at programs and types of borrowers

  • High Net worth with banking:                      
    • Rates from 5.250%/6.196% APR. Loan amounts up to $25M
  • Complex high net worth with banking:         
    • Rates from 6.000%/6.488%. Loan amounts to $10M
  • Traditional Jumbo:                                                
    • Rates from 6.000%/6.488%. Loan amounts to $4M
  • No Income Verification Loans:                         
    • Rates from 7.500%/7.603%. Loan amounts up to $2.5M
  • Conforming Loans:                                               
    • Rates from 5.875%/6.032%. Loan amounts up to $1,149,825

Happy New Year!

Market Commentary 12.15.2023

Fed Forecast To Bring Down Rates Pushes Mortgage Rates Lower

The recent dovish pivot by the Federal Reserve, along with projections of up to three rate cuts next year, brought a sigh of relief to the markets. Equities, bonds, gold, and oil, all rallied in response. This shift by the Fed signaled a so-called “soft-landing” narrative. Inflation data has been pointing toward lower inflation as the economy continues to move forward with weak manufacturing data, but a strong service sector.

Mortgage rates also saw a significant drop, with 30-year mortgages now below 6.50%, and adjustable-rate mortgages anticipated to dip below 6%. This is a remarkable change from just a few weeks ago when mortgage products were touching 8%. Let’s delve into the reasons behind this sudden change of heart by the Fed and the markets.

Inflation Trends

Consumer and producer inflation data have been showing positive trends for quite some time. With inflation on the decline, the Fed Funds Rate, currently at 5.37%, stands well above the inflation rate (CPI) of 3.1%. This significant spread is viewed as restrictive, and now the Fed must consider if keeping rates higher for an extended period might do more harm than good. Additionally, signs of a slowing economy are emerging, which further supports the case for lowering interest rates.

Inverted Yield Curve

The yield curve has been inverted for an extended period, and the Fed would like to see it normalize. This normalization would benefit lenders who borrow short and lend long. When long-term interest rates are lower than short-term interest rates, it becomes challenging for lenders to generate profits due to the negative spread. A robust economy requires lenders willing to extend credit. Moreover, the massive US debt and the costs associated with servicing that debt become unsustainable at higher interest rates.

Quantitative Tightening (QT)

The ongoing QT (Quantitative Tightening) may provide the Fed with some flexibility to lower short-term interest rates and allow bonds to run off their balance sheet. Over the past decade, global central banks’ money printing and bond buying have led to enduring issues, as the cost of money became distorted. By lowering the Fed Funds Rate while continuing QT, the Fed remains somewhat restrictive but with a bit less tightening.

Nonetheless, we still anticipate a 10-year Treasury yield north of 4% and encourage clients to pursue financing at these current rates. We believe that the journey from 3% to 2% inflation will be challenging, and the so-called neutral rate of interest will likely settle above 3%. When you add a term premium of 1% to 1.5%, that’s where the 10-year Treasury should find its equilibrium.

10 Year Treasury & Employment

As previously stated, we continue to anticipate a 10-year Treasury yield north of 4% and encourage clients to pursue financing at these current rates. We believe that the journey from 3% to 2% inflation will be challenging, and the so-called neutral rate of interest will likely settle above 3%. Employment remains tight and wages appear to be sticky (and possibly rising again) which will continue to be monitored by the Fed. This could inhibit interest rates from going much lower than current levels.

For the moment, we will take the late-year gift from the Fed of the prospect of lower interest rates which is leading to a big pickup in borrower inquiries.

Market Commentary 10/20/2023

10-Year Hits 16-Year High as Fed Extends Higher Rates Push  

In these uncertain times, geopolitical risks rightly dominate headlines. However, the expected “flight to quality” trade, where U.S. interest rates typically decrease as investors seek the safety of government-guaranteed bonds during conflicts, has been notably absent. The primary reason appears to be that substantial government spending has overwhelmed the bond market, in addition to major foreign holders of U.S. debt becoming sellers. Currently, the private sector, including businesses, individuals, and funds, has stepped in to fill this gap. Still, without foreign support, it is likely that bond yields will not fall by much if at all. 

Despite the recent poor performance of the equity market, overall economic data remains relatively strong. Retail spending data released earlier this week indicates that consumers are still spending, albeit more cautiously. Additionally, initial jobless claims came in lower than expected, which underscores an increasingly tight labor market. Even so, it is unlikely that the Fed will raise short-term interest rates at their next meeting, even though the data suggests otherwise. This is because the longer end of the yield curve is rising, with 10-year Treasuries grazing 5% before finally settling at 4.91% on Friday morning. The 10-year Treasury note rate serves as the benchmark for pricing all forms of personal, real estate, and business debt. The rapid increase in yields on this instrument is adding pressure to all types of borrowers, so the Fed may allow the market to contribute to slowing down the economy. 

Loans, Rates, and Real Estate

Real estate, which is highly sensitive to interest rates, continues to face challenges. It is difficult to gauge precisely how higher rates have affected prices due to sluggish sales. However, builder sentiment is declining, and new home sales show signs of following suit, despite incentives offered by home builders such as buy-downs and free upgrades. The commercial lending markets are under significant pressure, as a 5% 10-year Treasury rate is expected to push cap rate floors to 6% or even higher. Private debt funds providing bridge loans remain active, while traditional banks are cautious on most deals. With many billions of dollars in loan resets scheduled for 2024, the commercial lending market is shaping up to be remarkably interesting. 

We have said it before and will reiterate that in today’s market, independent mortgage brokers with a wide range of lending options are providing value to potential borrowers. The significant disparity in rates from one bank to another often reflects the bank’s perception of the economy, the housing market, or the local area, rather than market conditions alone. Large banks are keeping their margins healthy, except for their high-net-worth clients. Brokers are once again making a meaningful difference. 

Market Commentary 10/13/2023

Signs of Aggravated Inflation on Horizon Despite Geopolitical Worries 

The world is rapidly becoming a more perilous place, as we all witnessed the horrific attacks by Hamas on innocent Israeli civilians. Israel’s response is still unfolding. There is a growing concern about a full-scale, multi-front war, involving Israel and its neighboring countries. There are significant global implications with any decision. Meanwhile, tensions continue to escalate between Ukraine and Russia, with an assertive China adding to the complexity. The United States finds itself stretched thin as it works to maintain global stability. 

One might expect bond yields to experience a sharp decline in response to increased uncertainty, often seen as a “flight to safety” trade. However, massive government bond issuance, coupled with higher-than-expected readings in both the Producer Price Index and Consumer Price Index, have prevented yields from dropping dramatically. Inflation remains a pressing issue in our country, with consumer inflation surging by approximately 20% over the past two and a half years. This places a significant burden on most families, as wages fail to rise proportionally. 

The challenge of home affordability continues to plague the housing market, leading to a sense of stagnation. Nevertheless, existing home inventory is gradually increasing, and as homes linger on the market, sellers may be inclined to lower prices to attract buyers. We are hearing anecdotally from our network of realtors and appraisers that the Southern California market is displaying signs of softening. However, sellers remain hesitant to reduce prices. With the Federal Reserve maintaining a stance of “higher for longer” on interest rates, the likelihood of rates decreasing remains low. Consequently, supply and demand will need to find equilibrium, necessitating lower real estate prices at some point. 

The Fed’s Lag Effects & Real Estate 

The commercial CMBS (Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities) debt market carries a high likelihood of experiencing a wave of defaults. Many real estate investors will soon face challenging decisions as their debt matures in 2024 and beyond. Banks are tightening their lending standards. With cap rates on the rise, commercial real estate will continue to face pressure in the coming years as prices adjust to higher cap rates, resulting in lower valuations. Additionally, numerous construction projects are being put on hold with debt financing costs reaching 10% or higher. The lag effects of the Fed’s interest rate policies are beginning to ripple through the financial system. 

For those of us who have built our careers in real estate, whether on the acquisition or lending side… This period is widely regarded as one of the most challenging in real estate history. Why? We are confronted with a multitude of challenges simultaneously. Residential real estate prices remain high, with little sign of significant softening. The interest rate environment is at a 20-year high, making homeownership unattainable for many due to a lack of affordability. Moreover, many banks are either unable or unwilling to lend, as they grapple with balance sheet issues stemming from the prolonged period of low interest rates. After the 2008 financial crisis, banks were eager to lend as rates dropped, and government programs stabilized the markets, providing tailwinds for real estate brokers and lenders. Now, the Fed is pushing for home price depreciation as a means to combat inflation. 

Given the formidable landscape, only the most dedicated individuals will thrive in this market as transaction volume remains sluggish. At Insignia Mortgage, we are seizing this opportunity to connect with past borrowers, realtors, and referral partners, offering updates on niche lending programs that can assist potential buyers or those seeking to refinance. We are proactively reaching out to local lenders to establish new relationships, as some banks are in need of lending capacity and are offering unique products with minimal rate markups compared to traditional loan products. Additionally, we are conducting informative sessions at offices, explaining more specialized products like jumbo 2-1 buydowns, cross-collateralized loans, and bridge loans that address immediate needs while we work on securing more permanent financing. Ultimately, our experienced team, with an average of over 20 years in the industry, is committed to providing value to our real estate partners through hard work and expertise.